A: Overview
The Caspian Sea is a unique natural reservoir on our planet. It is a land locked water body located between two major parts of the Eurasian continent. The Caspian Sea is the world’s largest land locked reservoir, covering an area of 392,600 km2 with its surface lying 27 meters below sea level (according to the Baltic elevation system). Its size is comparable to the Baltic Sea (387,000 km2) and much larger than the Adriatic Sea (139,000 km2).
The Caspian Sea is traditionally divided into three parts based on its morphological structure and physical and geographical conditions: the Northern Caspian (covering 25% of the area), the Middle Caspian (36%), and the Southern Caspian (39%The maximum depth of the Southern Caspian, known as Southern-Caspian or Lankaran depression, is 1,025 m with an average depth of 208 m.
The Caspian region is rich in biological resources and serves as the world's largest spawning ground for sturgeon. Although the Caspian Sea has relatively small biological diversity, it boasts high-level endemism, with over 130 fish species and rare lotus fields. Additionally, it is home to more than 100 species of wetland birds that us the area for nesting and migration. The Caspian Seal, the only marine mammal living in the Sea, is also endemic to this region..

Economic activities in the Caspian Sea include oil production, fishing, and shipping. Both industry and agriculture are well developed around the Caspian Sea basin with the western coast of the Caspian Sea being more developed than the eastern one.
Baku, the largest port on the Caspian Sea and capital city on the southern shore of the Absheron Peninsula, covers an area of 2,130 km² and has a population of over 2.2 million (as of 2017).. Other major cities near the sea include Rasht (Iran), Makhachkala and Astrakhan (Russia), each with populations exceeding half a million. There are also several cities with populations ranging from 100,000 to 500,000 near the sea.
Today, many Caspian species are threatened by over-exploitation, habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change, which negatively impacts human well-being, social and economic sectors, and environmental services.
B: Introduction
The need for joint protection and management of the Caspian environment and its resources has been a long-standing concern for the Caspian littoral states. In 1998, the Caspian Environment Programme (CEP) was established as a regional initiative aimed at stopping the deterioration of the Caspian Sea’s environmental conditions of and promoting sustainable development for the long-term benefit of the Caspian population.
Since its inception, the CEP has tackled various environmental issues by developing a coordinated management structure, creating Strategic and National Action Plans, and implementing transnational measures to address imminent threats to the Caspian environment. Funded by the littoral states, the European Union, and the international community through the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the CEP has worked to formalize its structure and activities by concluding the Tehran Convention.

In 2003, the Caspian littoral states: Republic of Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, and Turkmenistan, signed the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (Tehran Convention). After the ratification by all the five Governments, the Tehran Convention entered into force on August 12, 2006.
The Tehran Convention serves as an overarching legal framework that establishes general requirements and an institutional mechanism for environmental protection in the Caspian Sea region. It is based on principles such as the precautionary principle, the polluter pays principle, and the principle of access to and exchange of information. The two major areas of focus are (i) prevention, reduction, and control of pollution, and (ii) protection, preservation, and restoration of the marine environment. The Convention includes provisions on environmental impact assessment as well as general obligations related to environmental monitoring, research and development. As former UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan emphasized, the signing of the Tehran Convention is a “significant step forward for the region” and once ratified “this landmark treaty will benefit the health and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people”.
C: Auxiliary Protocols to the Tehran Convention
- Protocol Concerning Regional Preparedness, Response and Co-operation in Combating Oil Pollution Incidents ("Aktau Protocol")
- Protocol on the Protection of the Caspian Sea against Pollution from Land based Sources and Activities ("Moscow Protocol")
- Protocol for the Conservation of Biological Diversity ("Ashgabat Protocol")
- Protocol on Environment Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context
D: Ongoing projects

- Development of the Protocol on Monitoring, Assessment and Information Exchange
- Supporting the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment which keeps under the review the implementation of the Environment Monitoring Programme
- Supporting the implementation of the Aktau Protocol by holding exercise to enhance the regional preparedness, response and co-operation in combating Oil pollution incidents
- Implementation of the “Addressing Marine Litter and Marine Plastics – A Systemic Approach in the Caspian Sea” Project jointly with UNDP
- Development and implementation of the GEF Project “Blueing the Caspian Sea Project: Building Capacities for Pollution Management and Biodiversity Conservation” jointly with World Bank
- Development and implementation of the Adaptation Fund Project “Building Climate Resilient Cities and Communities in the Republic of Azerbaijan” jointly with UN-Habitat
- Caspian Day activities
- Revamping the Caspian Environment Information Centre, an instrument for the collection, storage and dissemination of environmental information
E: Partnerships
The Secretariat entertains relations with relevant regional bodies and programmes, including Coordinating Committee on Hydrometeorology of the Caspian Sea (CASPCOM), the secretariats of relevant regional and international conventions, international financial institutions, universities, such as ADA Universuty and NGOs active in the Caspian Sea region, such as GRID-Arendal.
F: Organizational structure
- Conference of the Parties is a governing and decision-making body of the Tehran Convention. It consists of representatives of five Caspian states: the Republic of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan), the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran), Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan), the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan.
- Tehran Convention Secretariat is provided ad interim by UN Environment’s Europe Office, in Geneva, Switzerland. The Secretariat supports the Conference of the Parties and the implementation of the Tehran Convention in organizational, administrative and technical matters.
- National Convention Liaison Offices/Officers are focal points designated by their national Governments to coordinate the implementation of the Convention at the national level, inter alia the preparation and implementation of the Protocols and the contacts and collaboration with donor agencies and other Parties.
G: Key recent achievements.
- Protocol for the Protection of the Caspian Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities ("Moscow Protocol") entered into force
- “Addressing Marine Litter and Marine Plastics – A Systemic Approach in the Caspian Sea”, “Blueing the Caspian Sea Project: Building Capacities for Pollution Management and Biodiversity Conservation” and “Building Climate Resilient Cities and Communities in the Republic of Azerbaijan” are approved by donor organizations
H: Focal points
Republic of Azerbaijan
Mr. Faig Mutallimov
National Convention Liaison Officer
Head, Environmental Policy Division Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
E-mail: faig.mutallimov@gmail.com
Islamic Republic of Iran
Ms. Farnaz Shoaie
National Convention Liaison Officer
Deputy Office for Marine Environment Department of the Environment
3rd Floor, Pardisan Nature Park, Shahid Hakim Highway, Tehran
E-mail: farnazshoaie@gmail.com
Republic of Kazakhstan
Mr. Serik Akhmetov
National Tehran Convention Liaison Officer
Ministry of Environment and Water Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan
E-mail: serik.akhmetovkz@gmail.com"
Russian Federation
ANO “Centre for International Projects”
National Convention Liaison Office
58b Pervomayskaya street, 105043 Moscow
E-mail: okpd@eco-cip.ru
Ms. Gozel Orazdurdyyeva
National Convention Liaison Officer
Ministry of Nature Protection of Turkmenistan
E-mail: gozelcep@gmail.com
Contact Us
- Website: http://www.tehranconvention.org/
- E-mail: tcsecretariat@tehranconvention.org