UNEP is developing of a culture of evaluation. The Evaluation Office builds capacity for evaluation by offering training on evaluation, providing technical guidance, sharing evaluative knowledge and integrating evaluation into other training processes, and we source evaluation reports for preparation of specifically tailored materials for training and briefings.
Theory of Change
UNEP's evaluations apply a theory-based approach to first establish the causal logic of our interventions by reviewing or reconstructing a project's Theory of Change and then assessing the project's performance along the confirmed causal pathways. This approach allows us to make explicit the assumptions and drivers that underpin causal chains from inputs to outputs and through to outcomes, intermediate states and impact.

Introduction to conducting evaluation with UNEP
This quick and useful 5-minute guide for external consultants goes through the steps of contracting, inception phase, field missions, writing the evaluation report and closing the evaluation.
Integration of environment into evaluations was the subject of a webinar held in 2021 hosted by the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG). UNEG provides a forum for professional engagement, support and exchange on evaluation and evaluation practices based on common norms and standards.