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Arab Forum for Environment 

Based on the decision of the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment - CAMRE (S600 – D.A.32 - 14/10/2021 - article three) that approved the establishment of the "Arab Forum for Environment" and entrusted the Technical Secretariat to coordinate with Arab and international organizations wishing to participate and organize. The first session of the forum was hosted in Egypt, the second session was hosted in the Sultanate of Oman, and the third in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

During the thirty-fourth session of CAMRE (S641 - Dr. A. 34 - 26/10/2023), the Council adopted a decision and invited the United Nations Environment Programme, represented by the West Asia Office, to establish a permanent joint secretariat for the forum with the League of Arab States.


The Forum aims to discuss and develop technical recommendations regarding emerging or critical environmental issues in the Arab region. It aims to contribute to the agenda of the CAMRE, providing the relevant information and priority topics to be incorporated into the Council's decisions. Furthermore, the forum will serve as the regional nexus, facilitating the alignment of visions and supporting a stronger role for Arab countries in shaping the global environmental agenda through the United Nations Environment Assembly.

The main purpose of holding Arab forum for Environment sessions is to exchange experiences in relevant fields, identify potential cooperation partnerships, establish regional dialogue among stakeholders to discuss the current situation and anticipate prospects for environmental work in the Arab region. It aims to provide a regular platform for dialogue among various stakeholders, including policymakers, international and regional experts in various environmental fields, while expanding opportunities for partnerships and possible cooperation among key actors. 

Information Note 

Agenda Eng 

Agenda Ar 

Press Release 

Disclaimer: The information, views and opinions provided in these sessions and presentations are those of the author and does not imply any endorsement by the United Nations Environment Programme. These presentations may contain links to external websites or resources for further information. The United Nations Environment Programme is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or reliability provided by these external sources. 

Session 1 

Session 2 

Session 3 

Session 4 

Disclaimer: The information, views and opinions provided in these presentations are those of the author and does not imply any endorsement by the United Nations Environment Programme. These presentations may contain links to external websites or resources for further information. The United Nations Environment Programme is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or reliability provided by these external sources. 

Opening Speeches 

Speech of the UNEP Representative and Regional Director - Mr. S. Dimassi 

Session 1 

The efforts of Sultanate of Oman in the fields of climate affairs Mr. I. Al-Ajmi

Climate change and water security in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries Eng. W. Al Maamriya

Climate changes in the Arabian Sea and their effects on the environment in the region Mr. I. Abdul Salam

The impact of climate change on the agricultural and fisheries sector in Sultanate of Oman Dr. A. Al-Adawi

Session 2 

1. Yarmouk Hydropolitical Baseline Dr. C. Abdallah

2. Statement of major groups and stakeholders accredited to the United Nations Environment Programme in West Asia - Dr. W. Oqab 

3. Sustainable Management of natural resources - H. Razian 

Session 3

1. The interconnection between land degradation and food security in the Arab world - Dr M. Al-Filali

2. The fragility of food systems in the Arab region in light of environmental and climate challenges - Ms. R. Najdawi

3. Adaptation approach towards food security and enhancing community resilience - Dr. Z. Al-Alawi

4. The road to COP16 to combat desertification and drought, “Riyadh” - Dr. A. Al Ghamdi

5. How to mitigate the effects of drought and avoid the risks resulting from it in Arab cities - Mr. M. Al-Jebaie

Session 4 

1. Future Digital Reflections - Mr. J. Donovan 

2. The role of the United Nations Environment Assembly in setting a global agenda - Ms S. Sakr 

 AFEN 2022

AFEN 2022

AFEN 2022