Community Action for Fresh Water

In Fresh water

In November 2023 "Community Action for Fresh Water" (CAFW) was determined as the new name of the Rotary International-UNEP initiative hitherto known as "Adopt-a-River for Sustainable Development". The new initiative was formally launched on 10 January 2024 at the Rotary International Assembly (7-11 January, in Florida, USA). Rafael Peralta, head of the North America Office, represented UNEP. The event bolstered collaboration with Rotary International on the conservation and restoration of freshwater bodies following the signing of a partnership agreement between the two organizations.

The earlier Rotary International and UNEP partnership and pilot Adopt a River for Sustainable Development officially began in 2020 with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Rotary District 9212 – which covers Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya and South Sudan – to support direct action at the local level under the "Adopt-a-River" slogan. CAFW will build on this successful pilot to support local and international action on the sustainable management of freshwater resources. See the CAFW website (under development as of January 2024).

The new initiative was launched, in part as a response to Rotary International introducing "Environment" as one of its seven areas of focus in 2022. Activities could include river cleanups, habitat restoration, tree plantings, biodiversity projects, riverside beautification, wastewater treatment, and more.

See also a related UNEP initiative called Tide Turners.

For more information contact the Freshwater Ecosystems Unit:

In Fresh water