Программа ООН по окружающей среде


Non-governmental organizations must successfully meet the requirements of the accreditation process before being granted observer status to the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) and its subsidiary bodies.

Accreditation is not a requirement for participation in the implementation of projects, programmes or partnerships with UNEP (read more about UNEP’s partnerships and its partnership policy).

Privileges of accredited organizations 

While decision-making within UNEP is the prerogative of Member States. accredited organizations may participate in meetings as observers and can provide both oral and written contributions. They are assigned seats at all official sessions of the Environment Assembly and meetings of its subsidiary organs, including the Committee of Permanent Representatives. Access to UNEP documents and related materials is provided on UNEP websites and portals (including the resolution portal)

Accredited organizations can also attend preparatory stakeholder meetings such as the Regional Consultative Meetings and the Global Major Group and Stakeholder Forum and can apply to organize side events during UNEA.

Additionally, representatives of accredited organizations may become or elect Regional Facilitators and/or members of the Major Groups Facilitating Committee (for more information see the Stakeholder Engagement Handbook). 

Responsibilities and obligations of accredited organizations 

In return, accredited organizations and their representatives have to act in accordance with relevant rules of procedure. Representatives must comply with registration requirements and seating arrangements for any meeting. Accredited organizations are expected to make a constructive and active contribution to UNEP's governing bodies and utilize opportunities provided by the secretariat.

Additionally, each accredited organization must submit proof of its existence and activities to the UNEP Secretariat at least every four years and promptly inform the UNEP secretariat of any changes in contact information or legal status.

Criteria for accreditation

To be granted accreditation, an organization needs to:

• Be a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization, with an international scope of work

• Be a legal entity in at least one country

• Have an interest in the field of environment and/or sustainable development

• Be in existence for at least two years at the time of the application